PRP For Hair Loss
If you’re losing your hair, you may think your choices are Rogaine, a hair transplant or lifelong embarrassment. But there’s another option, called platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, which can help trigger new hair growth. PRP therapy has been used since the 1970s to help athletes heal from injuries, but health practitioners have discovered it can also treat a variety of other issues, including hair loss.

What is PRP therapy?
PRP therapy is a series of injections of platelet-rich plasma taken from your own blood. (Platelets are cell fragments that are essential to blood clotting. Plasma is a yellowish liquid that makes up about half of a person’s blood volume.) Platelet-rich plasma contains proteins called growth factors that stimulate the growth of tissue. It’s believed that these growth factors, when injected in the scalp, are what trigger new hair growth.
What the treatment entails
When you arrive at your appointment, the doctor will draw about 1 to 2 ounces of blood by placing a needle in your arm. The needle contains a small amount of an anticoagulant to prevent clotting. It can cause a brief stinging sensation.
Next, the doctor will place your blood in a centrifuge to separate the plasma. The plasma is then injected in multiple locations on your scalp. Patients usually need 40 to 50 injections per session.
The whole process takes about an hour and recovery is quick. Your scalp may be a little red following treatment, but any redness fades in a few hours. You may also experience some swelling of the scalp for a couple of days.